Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rain Is A Good Thing

As I was sitting in my room on Saturday listening to the rain fall heavily on the metal roof over my bed this song happened to come on in my ears. Rainy season is now in full swing here in Buea and that comes with all sorts of challenges and learning experiences. Since we are at such a high altitude it is cloudy a lot and we walk through the clouds pretty regularly and it's pretty neat to watch them roll down the street towards you. The streets I take to work can no longer be referred to as streets. Mud puts or creeks would be more appropriate names for most of the unpaved roads here.

We have officially completed all 6 filters we set out to complete when we arrived here, which we are very happy about. We finished just before the roads got too soupy, which is great because driving on some of the muddy roads was like driving on unplowed snowy streets. We are now planning on spending our laat weeks here working on education and learning about the organization as a whole. Hopefully we will be able to help out a little bit with other projects that are happening through NKong, but in Cameroon you really never know.

I apologize for the shortness of this post, but there's not much to report. I miss everyone back home and I am countin down the next 19 days until I head home!

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